No appointment nedded, except for annual physical exams

STD Testing Specialist

Loudoun Walk In Medical Center

Internists & Urgent Care located in Ashburn, VA

Not all sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) cause symptoms, so if you’re sexually active, it’s best to go through routine STD testing. With his expertise in diagnosing and treating STDs, Fuad Alykhan, MD can help you stay on top of your sexual health. For discreet STD testing, visit Loudoun Walk In Medical Center in Ashburn, Virginia. We have convenient hours so that you can be seen quickly if you need immediate care.

STD Testing Q & A

How do I know if I have an STD?

Since not all sexually transmitted diseases (STDs) cause symptoms, you might be unaware that you’re carrying something. Some of the clearest warning signs that you have an STD include:

  • Sores or bumps on your genitals
  • Abnormal discharge
  • Burning while urinating
  • Itching, pain, or burning in your genitals
  • Flu-like symptoms and widespread aches

These signs don’t necessarily mean you have an STD. They could also be symptoms of unrelated issues, such as a yeast infection or a UTI.

Even if you don’t have signs of an STD, you can still transmit the infection to your partner. Routine screening is the only way to know for sure which — if any — infections you may have.

Which STDs do I need to get tested for?

You can opt for specific STD screenings if you have a concern, or request a full panel of testing. Depending on what you are being tested for, this can involve taking a blood sample, collecting a swab or a urine sample. Depending on your health and sexual history, you might need to get tested for:

  • Chlamydia
  • Trichomoniasis
  • Gonorrhea
  • Syphilis
  • Herpes
  • HIV or AIDS
  • Human papillomavirus (HPV)

Dr. Alykhan can order STD testing based on your symptoms and what you’re most likely to need.

After gathering any essential cultures, Dr. Alykhan sends your specimen to a lab so that you can get accurate, discreet results as quickly as possible.

What is the treatment for STDs?

Your treatment plan depends on which STD you have and any symptoms you may be experiencing.

With bacterial STDs, such as gonorrhea and chlamydia, your treatment may include oral antibiotics or an antibiotic injection.

For viral STDs, such as genital herpes, you’re probably going to need an antiviral drug. If you have open sores or are experiencing discomfort in your genitals, Dr. Alykhan might prescribe topical ointments or creams that can help the area heal, while minimizing your discomfort.

If you do test positive for an STD, Dr. Alykhan could suggest bringing in your partner for testing, even if they’re not showing signs or symptoms. They may benefit from a course of medications if there’s a risk that the infection is in their body.

Whether you need routine STD testing or are worried about symptoms you’re experiencing, Loudoun Walk In Medical Center can do your STD screening.